Neurofeedback is for all ages - let’s give you and your child the tools to succeed!

Neurofeedback Mirror
You will immediately clean yourself up when you when you look in the mirror and notice that you have something stuck in your teeth. Neurofeedback is like a mirror for the brain to see itself, and offer the brain a chance to clean itself up.
Imagine being able to CHANGE your brain in 20-40 sessions! Clients find Neurofeedback training to be a relaxing experience. At the beginning of each session you report the course of your progress, and on the basis of this report the training may be adjusted.
For years peak performers on the red bull extreme team, olympians, professional athletes, NASA and The Armed Forces have been using Neurofeedback to reach the highest potential possible.
Neurofeedback Training
Custom Fit To You
Personalize to the athlete
Results are long lasting
Drug Free
​exercise for the brain