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Trauma Treatment for
Adults and Children

I offer cognitive behavioral therapy, a leading anxiety treatment, and neurofeedback training to provide evidence-based mental healthcare for clients dealing with anxiety disorders. Fill out the short form below or call directly to start healing from anxiety today.

woman managing trauma

Main Types of Trauma

Types of trauma include physical trauma (bodily harm), emotional trauma (emotional impact of event), sexual trauma (harassment to assault), childhood/developmental trauma (adverse experiences during formative years), complex trauma (exposure to multiple events), acute trauma ( single, severe event), chronic trauma (prolonged exposure), community trauma (large scale events) and vicarious trauma (indirect exposure). 


How is trauma diagnosed?

Diagnosing trauma-related conditions typically involves a thorough clinical assessment. This process includes a detailed clinical interview about experiences and symptoms, followed by the application of diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Standardized assessment tools and questionnaires may be used to gauge symptom severity, differentiate between disorders, and assess the impact of the trauma on the individual’s life. 

How is trauma treated? therapy options

Trauma survivors work with me to regain self regulation for calming. I use neurofeedback training  to self regulate into a comfortable state. I help trauma survivors process trauma, change distorted thoughts, and learn coping strategies. The goal is to promote self-compassion and non-judgment, which is healing for those dealing with trauma-related guilt or self-blame. 

How effective is therapy for treating trauma?

Therapy is an effective way to treat trauma, especially when administered by an experienced mental health professional. Its success depends on factors like the type and severity of the trauma and the therapy approach used.


What are the four trauma responses?

What are the main signs of trauma?

  • Fight: Fight is a response in which an individual confronts a threat or stressor head-on, seeking to overcome or resist it.

  • Flight: Flight is a response characterized by the instinct to escape or avoid a perceived threat or dangerous situation.

  • Freeze, or flop: Freeze is a response involving immobility and an inability to react when faced with overwhelming stress, often as a result of fear or shock.

  • Fawn: Fawn is a response in which a person seeks to appease or please others, even at their own expense, as a way to avoid conflict or harm in social situations.

  • Re-experiencing the trauma through flashbacks and nightmares

  • Feeling disconnected from oneself or outside of one’s body

  • Avoiding triggers, including places or people that are reminders of the trauma

  • Relationship issues, including social withdrawal or isolation

  • Being on high alert and easily startled

  • Mood swings, including anger outbursts

  • Trouble focusing

  • Unexplained aches and pain

  • Sleep disturbances

What causes trauma?

Trauma can result from a wide range of distressing experiences or events that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope and process the emotional impact. These events often involve a threat to one’s life or safety, physical or emotional abuse, violence, accidents, natural disasters, or the loss of a loved one.  Trauma can also be rooted in adverse childhood experiences, such as neglect, chronic stress, or dysfunctional family environments.  The severity and lasting effects of trauma can vary from person to person, with factors like resilience, support systems, and prior experiences influencing how individuals respond to and recover from traumatic events.

Cutting Edge Technology

Neurofeedback training benefits trauma survivors by helping them manage emotions and distress linked to traumatic experiences. Improved emotional regulation helps trauma survivors handle trauma triggers, reduce impulsive behaviors, and boost emotional well-being. 

If you or a loved one are struggling with trauma, I am here to help. Managing trauma can be challenging, but remember:     you are not alone, help is available. 

Neurofeedback for Trauma

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